tisdag 30 september 2008

Disgaea 3

Disgaea 3 - Japanese version

Disgaea 3 has just arrived from Canada, woohoow! :D I'm not sure how I'm gonna have the time to play this game since it is a +100 hours game.. :P But it'll work itself out I think. As I just mentioned above, I've imported an american version of the game from Canada since the European version won't get released until 2009. This is very strange since the European version also will be in English and probably only English. But who cares... I got it now! ;D

Now I'm just waiting for the chicken meat to defrost so that I can start cooking some food... I'm starving.... ;(

söndag 28 september 2008

Party at my place

I had some Chinese friends come over to my place this saturday and we had a very nice time. We drank some beer and ate Chinese food that was absolutely delicious! :D And I think we disturbed the neighbours since we played quite loud music, haha! But who cares, it was party time! :D Eventually we ended up at the student pub where we sat down and had one or two beers. All in all a very pleasant evening that will occur again. And yea, my classmate Mårten von Stockhaus came over too and contributed to the great party. hmmm.. my computer is starting to behave very odd.. :( I'll have to punish it! hehe.. bad computer! *punches it in it's harddrive* hehe... yea, that ought to learn it who the boss is..

I'm tired now, too many beers yesterday I guess, hehe.. It'll be pizza tonight and a couple of movies while I bury myself in the sofa. But the big question is if whether I should watch some episodes of The X-Files, Stargate Atlantis or just watch some plain old movies... hmmm.. tough decision when my brain is retarded from too much beer drinking, hoho... Maybe I will play some video games too, yea, I think I'll do that. I'm thinking of buying the racing game Burnout Paradise which is available through a download service for the Playstation 3. And when speaking about games... I ordered the japanese turn based role playing game Disgaea 3. I have only played the first Disgaea which I liked because it was filled with crazy characters, humour and exploding penguins, haha!

I've sold my Playstation 2 now along with Guitar Hero 2 and a couple of games to Mr David "the friendly school ghost", hehe.. It's nice to have those items sold because they were just standing in the closet gathering dust. And when I'll finally be leaving Blekinge and my Swedish student life it's good to not have too much stuff to take care of. The only things of any worth in my apartement is the electronics and my game and music collection, the rest is garbage, hehe.

Well, I talk too much! Now it's time for some serious slacking! yea, I'm still the "master slacker of the year!" Every year!!! :D

Some of my friends at the party

Delicious Chinese food

David relaxing at the student pub looking like a mafia boss.. :)


I went out for some running/jogging and training this friday and it made me feel great! But now two days later I'm still very stiff from the training and I feel like an old man, haha! I think that I'm in serious need of massage to get rid of the stiffness. Anyways, it was very nice to run alongside the coast and then enter the forest to finally arrive at on of my favourite places in Karlshamn, a cape by a small marina. Unfortunately I didn't take any photos of the beautiful sunset, which totally made my day! :) I really like the swedish nature, particularly by night when everything is so calm and the only thing you can hear is the nature, the wind and the animals. Maybe I should live out in the nature when I get old, hehe...

torsdag 25 september 2008

Chinese Dragon

My pet dragon! I call him "Smirnoff" because he drinks too much vodka.. hehe.. :)

Here's my latest work from the drawing class; a Chinese Dragon. Well, at least I tried to draw one and I'm fairly happy with how it turned out on the paper. But the eyes should've been yellow instead of red, I think. Maybe I should change it in Photoshop? hehe.. :P

Now the weekend is almost here so I think I'll celebrate it in advance with some beer, chilinuts and 80's music! yeaaah! :D

Asia - Free - Oh, this is totally sweet music for those deep moments...
Overseer - Never - Somekind of rap that actually is awesome since the female singer lifts the song to new heights by just having a really soft voice, and the beat is very nice too

torsdag 18 september 2008

Perspective Drawing #2

More perspective drawing

For the second class, in the course how to draw and sketch, we got to draw more perspective; the view that is just outside the school on the other side. I specially focused on the clouds to make them look cool, and I think they are. This picture kinda looks evil... I wouldn't wanna live in that house, haha! :P

Def Leppard - Desert Song - The cool beginning of this song is powerful but yet the song manages to be very soft at the same time. Yea, totally sweet!

onsdag 17 september 2008


World of Warcraft - Battle Chest

What have I done!? Gaaaaahhh!!! I've turned to the dark side, to the fictional online world, to endless wasted nights! I've turned to the World of Warcraft! But why...? Yea, I keep asking myself this since I'm quite the anti-WoW-person that always has hated the game because it's a big bad game in which you repeat your actions all the time, don't really use any skill for playing it and it is full of immature idiots. But there are actually a couple of moments that are quite nice... well, I like to search for things in games and mine/gather stuff like treasures and wood and that is exactly why I bought the game. So that I can chop wood and gather stuff, haha! :P Yea, but it's fun and some of the environments is quite beautiful and mystic in the game but that's it! Nothing more is good about this game... I don't know what it says about me, buying a game so that I just can chop wood, so let's not go down that road shall we... ; )

And! I'm gonna get myself a pet in the game.. hehe.. I've heard that you can get yourself robotic squirrels as pets in this game, so why not!? Maybe I can create my own army of squirrels, haha! : )

Brew'ski Time!

A beer and some chili nuts - A KICK ASS! combination

Yea, it's wednesday evening and an old friend inspired me to greatness so I went down to the local store and got me a couple of beers and some chili nuts. : )

Asia - Go - This is good stuff...

söndag 14 september 2008

"the fall.."

Small reenactment of "the fall.."
"The Stockhaus-party" was a great success and very funny to attend to, but unfortunately I managed to fall in the stairs. I survived but I got one sore elbow full with bruises, a back that hurts a little, some stinging cuts on my fingers and one swollen knee that makes me limp a little bit, haha! :P
Journey - Happy to Give - I have been listening to this calm song for over an hour now! This song is awesome because it's from the 80's!

lördag 13 september 2008

Bob's Party

Bob's party was kick ass! We drank Vodka mixed with orange juice and Minttu mixed with chocolate milk and had some very delicious chinese food during the evening. And the grand finalé consisted of milk tea that made us all very sleepy so that the night became very pleasant with some hot beverage in our stomachs...

..the guys...

..the ladies...

..and the food...

torsdag 11 september 2008

Perspective Drawing

Today I went to the first session of the drawing course and it was nice. Apparently my teacher is an old artist with many years of experience and apparently he likes to talk too, a lot! haha.. : ) Anyways, today's assignment consisted of perspective drawing where we had to draw "AKK", which is a factory just outside the school in which food oils are manufactured. Well, here's the result.. My perspective isn't especially good, but I do like the way that I got the water to look alive with depth and I also like the soft and round curves in the clouds, although the clouds being very small and barely visible...

Asia - The Smile Has Left Your Eyes - Progressive 80's music.. yea, I know, totally awesome! : )

tisdag 9 september 2008

Fruit vs. Meat

Today has been a tiresome and long day... Why? Because I decided to have a quick lunch consisting of only fruit; grapes, peaches, apples, tomatoes and mushrooms. Sure it tasted really good but come on! How can vegetarians survive on only fruit and vegetables? No, I need meat to function properly... That is why I have bought some ingredients tonight so that I can make some tasty Tacooooos!!! It just happens to be that I'm a master-taco-chef! Yeah, that's right, It is I who make the best tacos around here! :D

Anyway, this week is going to be totally AWESOME! I started the course in chinese today and on thursday starts the course in how to draw. I'm also invited to Mr Stockhaus' party on saturday which will host a lot of party freaks that I will cheer with all night long! And on top of that, I'm gonna see my chinese friends in Karlskrona on friday and participate in a farewell party for Bob. My plan is to drink vodka on the chinese party and then on the next day, at the so called "Stockhaus party", take it easy and drink white wine with sparkles. Maybe I'll even put on my suit on saturday too, haha!... : )

hmmm... I'm thinking about watching the new Disney movie at the cinema; Wall-E. It seems to be a good and funny movie. I gotta start going to the cinema more often since it actually is really fun. But it's hard because I don't want to go on my own and people are too lazy and won't go to the cinema, they just download and watch movies at home.

Tip of the Day:
Guns N' Roses - Sympathy For The Devil - Yeah, this cover of The Rolling Stones hit song is kick ass! But I have to admit that I prefer the original..
Drawn Together - Do you like cartoons that contain very violent scenes an a lot of inmaturity? Then this cartoon is for you too my friend! : )
Suikoden II - It's the ultimate RPG!!! Have you found all 108 stars of destiny? I sure haven't...

Well, now it's taco and tv time! hoho!

måndag 8 september 2008

A New Look

As you might have noticed, I've changed the logo because it's always nice to refresh oneself. And you also might have noticed that this text is in english, that's because my chinese friends shall be able to see my blog if they wish to do so. : )

This weekend was spent at my old friend Wejletorp's place where we hung out during the evenings. During the days we studied chinese with Lei Fei at school. We studied hard all weekend long and had some chinese food and pizza. Wejletorp and I also had some whiskey.. hehe.. All in all, a very productive weekend which we soon will have again.

I really have to get a digital camera so that I can upload some nice pictures since it's kinda empty here with just text and more text that goes on for forever...

lördag 6 september 2008

Chinese Party

This Thursday I was supposed to learn some chinese but I ended up at a chinese farewell/welcoming party. I just have one thing to say about the party and that is: Chinese food is delicious! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... :D
We drank som Glade Dansken beer which just happens to be one of my favourites and we also had some swedish "snus". : ) Thanks for a great party Bob, Kai, David, Lei Fei and Lai!

Today or rather this whole weekend will be dedicated to studying some chinese just for the fun of it. So now I'm off to school!

måndag 1 september 2008

Back in School

Ja, så var första skoldagen på höstterminen 2008 avklarad! Kändes bra att komma tillbaks för att göra något med ens liv och det var även nice att träffa en massa sköna snubbar igen. Japp, Campus Karlshamn med dess tvåor äger fanemej! :) Den nya kursen kommer bli intressant att läsa fast den är något flummig och svår att få ett ordentligt grepp om. Men vad gör det, det kommer ändå att bli kick ass!

Newsflash from Japan!
Gamle polaren Jimbo-Limbo från de djupaste skogarna i Närke har varit i Japan och införskaffat mig en.... DOMOKUN!!! :D
För er som inte vet vem eller snarare vad Domokun är så ta en titt på logon längst upp på sidan; det är den lille lurvige figuren med de vassa tänderna. Och NEJ, Domokun är inte larvigt... Domokun är awesome...

Har tvättat, dammsugit, diskat och allmänt röjt upp i lägenheten idag så nu ser det rikitigt nice ut. Men jag skulle behöva en rullgardin, en schysst tavla och lite annat smått för att få till den ultimata lägenheten.

Kulturella tips:
Bionic Commando: Rearmed - Spelet med förmodligen världens bästa soundtrack och med en riktig actionhjälte hämtad direkt från the sweeeeeet 80's!!!
The X-Files - Tv-serien med djupa sci-fi-vibbar och en rejäl dos konspirationsteorier.
Def Leppard - She's Too Tough - Ja, ibland är de för tuffa, ack ack...