Bob's party was kick ass! We drank Vodka mixed with orange juice and Minttu mixed with chocolate milk and had some very delicious chinese food during the evening. And the grand finalé consisted of milk tea that made us all very sleepy so that the night became very pleasant with some hot beverage in our stomachs...
..the guys...
..the ladies...
..and the food...
2 kommentarer:
yeah!Hero(me) always comes firstly! i like ur english dairy,but one day if u can write ur mood in chinese, i will be much happier. of course, i trust u can do that!!~my honest swedish brother. haha! the guys who have the same favorite(vodka,beer) get together. i like u, u r really cool!cool!cool! look forward to party again!
Yeah! :D It's nice that you like my blog! I will be writing all sorts of stuff in here, so come visit my blog regularly for the latest news! :) One day I'll have a blog in chinese, but it will take a long time before I make it.. :P Yeah! It was a cool party with cool guys, my friend! :D
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