tisdag 9 september 2008

Fruit vs. Meat

Today has been a tiresome and long day... Why? Because I decided to have a quick lunch consisting of only fruit; grapes, peaches, apples, tomatoes and mushrooms. Sure it tasted really good but come on! How can vegetarians survive on only fruit and vegetables? No, I need meat to function properly... That is why I have bought some ingredients tonight so that I can make some tasty Tacooooos!!! It just happens to be that I'm a master-taco-chef! Yeah, that's right, It is I who make the best tacos around here! :D

Anyway, this week is going to be totally AWESOME! I started the course in chinese today and on thursday starts the course in how to draw. I'm also invited to Mr Stockhaus' party on saturday which will host a lot of party freaks that I will cheer with all night long! And on top of that, I'm gonna see my chinese friends in Karlskrona on friday and participate in a farewell party for Bob. My plan is to drink vodka on the chinese party and then on the next day, at the so called "Stockhaus party", take it easy and drink white wine with sparkles. Maybe I'll even put on my suit on saturday too, haha!... : )

hmmm... I'm thinking about watching the new Disney movie at the cinema; Wall-E. It seems to be a good and funny movie. I gotta start going to the cinema more often since it actually is really fun. But it's hard because I don't want to go on my own and people are too lazy and won't go to the cinema, they just download and watch movies at home.

Tip of the Day:
Guns N' Roses - Sympathy For The Devil - Yeah, this cover of The Rolling Stones hit song is kick ass! But I have to admit that I prefer the original..
Drawn Together - Do you like cartoons that contain very violent scenes an a lot of inmaturity? Then this cartoon is for you too my friend! : )
Suikoden II - It's the ultimate RPG!!! Have you found all 108 stars of destiny? I sure haven't...

Well, now it's taco and tv time! hoho!

5 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Well, if you write in english I'd better do it as well, right?

For starters - yes I have found all 108 stars of destiny, but not in Suikoden II (have it but haven't played it yet). Since Suikoden IV was my first Suikoden it's also my favorite on (even if I love III as well) and I got all 108 stars there :D Still working on both III and V. But I no longer have a ntsc TV so I can only play my suikodens in black and white ;__;

Allvarligt? Dina vänner laddar hellre hem filmer än ser dem på bio? Naj, va trist. Bio äger ju.


roBcker sa...

haha, yeah, let's be a little international.. :P Haha, I think that Suikoden IV sucks due to the simple fact that the hero runs like a sissy! :P I've actually only played the second and the fifth game but I really love them. :) I want to get my hands on a copy of Suikoden I and II but they're really expensive now.. :( Then you should buy a big HD-tv, like me! :D

Ja, dom suger.. Jag gick och såg The Dark Knight själv faktiskt.. Vill man få nåt gjort så får man göra det själv, som man brukar säga.. :)

Anonym sa...

Haha, yeah I should probably buy a new tv, but all my money was spent on new lenses for my camera so that'll not happen any time soon I'm afraid.
Hoho, you call my Kiichiro a SISSY??!! *grabs the sword* He runs like a true stars of destiny seeker I would say. Just look at the bounce in his step ;)
Well, I love him and I'm only too happy to get him all to myself since everyone actually seem to share your opinion in this matter.
But, as I said - Suikoden IV was my first love and will so remain until the end of days ;)

Jag slår dig - jag körde på bio ensam en gång. Gissa hur många som var och såg filmen?


Det var helt underbart kan jag tala om =) Ensam i hela biosalongen. Nice :D

roBcker sa...

Yeah, you can keep your little sissy hero, hehe.. ;) I want the new Suikoden game that is supposedly being developed for the Nintendo Wii.. :)

hehe, nice! :) Men jag har varit nära! När jag såg Blade 2 på bio så var det bara jag och en till snubbe som kollade på den, haha!

Anonym sa...

To Nintendo Wii?? I had NO idea! Great, since I have one of those :D