torsdag 18 september 2008

Perspective Drawing #2

More perspective drawing

For the second class, in the course how to draw and sketch, we got to draw more perspective; the view that is just outside the school on the other side. I specially focused on the clouds to make them look cool, and I think they are. This picture kinda looks evil... I wouldn't wanna live in that house, haha! :P

Def Leppard - Desert Song - The cool beginning of this song is powerful but yet the song manages to be very soft at the same time. Yea, totally sweet!

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Jag känner igen mig. Visst är det bort mot där karl-Alfred och Kristina står? Nedanför muren finns en brygga där det är förbjudet att bada?

roBcker sa...

Javisst! Du har koll på Karlshamn! ;)