tisdag 23 december 2008

That was yesterday is moving...

I'm thinking of stopping my blog here and instead continue bloging on MSN Spaces instead.

1. MSN Live Messenger and Spaces are nicely integrated with each other.
2. MSN Spaces handling of photos is excellent.
3. Why spread content between two blogs when I can gather everything in one place instead?
4. The way Blogspot handles text and images can sometimes be frustrating since it has some kind of bug or something that makes me MAD at Blogspot!
5. MSN Spaces has some features that Blogspot don't have.

So there you go! But do not fear! I'll keep coming with new content for all of you who still are interested in reading my blog (if anyone..)! :D

So if you want to have a look at my "new" blog, just open up your MSN Live Messenger and find the contact for me and press on the little figure next to my name and there you have it!
Have a nice day people! ;D

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